Children's Vision | Optometrist in Tucson | Tucson Optometry Clinic

Luxury Eyewear Show - Saturday, November 2nd: Explore the newest fashion trends and consult with our on-site representatives to find your perfect style. For more details, click here

New Eastside Location: We have moved our Eastside office. The new address is 7402 E Broadway Blvd, southside of Broadway between Pantano Rd. and Kolb Rd. , 1 mile west of the old location.

Children's Vision - Tucson's #1 Optometrist for Kids Glasses

Here at Tucson Optometry Clinic, we take care of children 5 and up. Our optometrists are able to offer eye examinations to pinpoint any issues in your child's vision, then correct them with the perfect kid glasses that your child will be able to show off to their friends. Our goal is to send you and your child home after your appointment thrilled with your choice of care and, if needed, an awesome pair of kid glasses that will help your child see the world with a new perspective.

Are Contact Lenses a Good Choice for Kids?

Parents frequently ask eye doctors this question when kids first express an interest in wearing contacts. But a child’s maturity and ability to handle contact lenses responsibly is more important than age alone.

Children’s Vision Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My grandson got his glasses at age 10. Now, at 11, he can’t see the chalkboard at school. Could he need a new prescription so soon? — C.

A: Please note that it is not possible to give medical advice without ...

Controlling Nearsightedness in Children

If your child has myopia (nearsightedness), you’re probably wondering if there is a cure — or at least something that can be done to slow its progression so your child doesn’t need stronger glasses year after year.

Learning-Related Vision Problems

Vision and learning are intimately related. In fact, experts say that roughly 80 percent of what a child learns in school is information that is presented visually. So good vision is essential for students of all ages to reach their full academic potential.

Vision Therapy for Children

Vision and learning are intimately related. In fact, experts say that roughly 80 percent of what a child learns in school is information that is presented visually. So good vision is essential for students of all ages to reach their full academic potential.

Tucson Optometry

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