Eye Diseases & Disorders Archives - Tucson Optometry Clinic

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Can I wear contact lenses with astigmatism?

The best contact lenses to wear if you're someone with astigmatism are toric contact lenses because they come with vertical and horizontal axes, which allow you to get the exact sight correction that you need.Astigmatism is a condition that affects your eye’s ability to focus on a particular subject or object within your view. People who have astigmatism are unable to see light evenly displayed on their retina. This can cause all sorts of issues, and it can also pose a safety risk in situations where people with this condition are driving at night or other instances where your vision is extremely important.

Blurry vision and astigmatism

Blurry vision is one of the most common signs that you have astigmatism. Many people who suffer from this condition often ask the question, “Can I wear contact lenses with astigmatism?” and the answer to that question is everything but simple.

There are many variables that come into play when trying to figure out whether you can wear contacts with astigmatism. If you’re dealing with astigmatism and want to learn more about whether you’ll wear contacts or not, continue reading below.

Can I wear contact lenses with astigmatism?

If you have astigmatism, the good news is that you still will be able to wear contact lenses. However, you must consider the fact that astigmatism can impact your vision in a very adverse manner when left untreated for prolonged periods of time.
You should only use contact lenses that are specifically designed for people with astigmatism because if not, you can experience increased retina irritation. Astigmatism can be slightly corrected with the right type of contact lenses as long as you make sure that you speak with your eye doctor first.

Since astigmatism contact lenses are designed for those people with specific vision problems, it’s not recommended that you wear them unless you have the condition. Doing so can lead to all sorts of issues that may not be currently present. Before getting a contact lens prescription, you will have to go through a comprehensive contact lens exam.
Advancements over time have made wearing contacts with astigmatism much more comfortable than it was in previous times. One of the most commonly recommended types of contact lenses for people who suffer from astigmatism is toric lenses. Toric lenses are designed with vertical and horizontal axes, which allows you to achieve varying levels of corrective power.

Choosing the right contact lens

Toric contact lenses are great because they go with the natural gravity and motion of your eyes. At all costs, avoid wearing any eyewear that is not made specifically for astigmatism as this can lead to the development of more serious vision problems.

To make sure you select the right contact lenses, make sure you speak with your vision specialist so that you will know for sure you’re making the right choice. In certain instances, you can request custom contacts that will allow you to get a personalized solution to your vision problem.

If you’re someone who has been wondering, “Can I wear contact lenses with astigmatism?” the answer is yes.

People Also Ask

Q: Can you wear regular contact lenses if you have astigmatism?
A: No, if you have astigmatism, it’s essential that you wear specialized contact lenses because your condition can worsen if not. Regular contact lenses do not cover your cornea’s entirety, which will impair your ability to see even further. The best option to go with if you want to wear contact lenses with astigmatism is to wear astigmatism contact lenses.

Q: Are contacts for astigmatism uncomfortable?
A: Wearing contact lenses, in general, isn’t the most comfortable thing to do in the world. Being that astigmatism already impairs your ability to see clearly, wearing contacts can compound the discomfort you experience while wearing them. However, over time you will eventually become used to the feeling of wearing contact lenses.

Q: What kind of contact lenses are best for astigmatism?
A: Some of the best contact lenses to wear when you have astigmatism are Acuvue Oasys, Air Optix, and Biofinity Toric.

Knowing how to find the right contact lenses

Now that you know more about how to find the right contact lenses to wear for your astigmatism, use all of this information so that you can ensure you can see as clearly as possible. Before choosing which contact lenses are best for you, ask yourself these two simple questions “How severe is my astigmatism?” “Will contact lenses help my astigmatism?”

What Causes Heterochromia?

Heterochromia - Woman with Irises of 2 Distinct ColorsHeterochromia is a condition in which the color of an individual’s iris changes colors. It is widely believed that heterochromia is a genetic condition passed down from one lineage to another; however, other studies suggest that the condition could be a result of iris nerve growth or eye injury. Heterochromia itself does not pose any significant health risk to individuals with it; however, it can grow and point to an underlying medical condition that you may be unaware of over time.

If you have been diagnosed with heterochromia or know someone dealing with it, you need to become educated about all of the various facts related to heterochromia so that you will know how to deal with the condition safely and effectively.

Below, we’re going to provide you with a detailed breakdown of everything you know about heterochromia and how you can better manage it.

What Are the Root Causes of Heterochromia?

As stated previously, the primary cause of heterochromia is frequently related to hereditary links. However, several different factors can trigger the development of heterochromia. An eye injury can cause this condition to form in addition to nerve growth directly near the iris. Heterochromia, in its early stages, doesn’t pose that much of a threat; however, it is when it begins to grow that your worry should start to set in.

It’s a reasonably uncommon disease, but it’s unique because it causes each of your eyes to become different colors. The condition can be present at birth and can be hardly noticeable unless a doctor is stringently checking for it. The only recognizable symptom of heterochromia is the differentiating colors in the iris area of your eyes.

Some of the risk factors associated with heterochromia are:

  • Ocular trauma
  • Familial genetic abnormalities
  • Inflammation

All of these symptoms are on the more extreme side of heterochromia as, in most cases, you can only notice the difference in eye color by taking pictures or looking closely at the eye area.

Dealing with Heterochromia

While there is no outright treatment for heterochromia alone, if it is coupled with an underlying condition, your care physician should provide you with solutions to target your pre-existing condition. Most people diagnosed with heterochromia do not experience any significant seeing loss or eyesight damage, which is good news if you think you may have this condition.

Most people experience very subtle to moderate symptoms of the condition. It’s believed to be widely nonprogressive, so there isn’t a huge concern about it spreading to other areas of your body. Doctors use a lamp light examination technique to identify and diagnose heterochromia in patients.

People Also Ask 

What are the different types of heterochromia?

There are three main categories of heterochromia: segmental, central heterochromia, and complete. All of these different categorizations are used to identify how severe the condition has gotten or become over some time.

What injuries can cause heterochromia?

Many injuries can irritate the symptoms and formation of heterochromia within the body. Some of them include eye surgery, bleeding in the eye, glaucoma, swelling, and more.

Can heterochromia cause blindness?

A: While it is rare and quite uncommon, heterochromia can cause blindness when coupled with pre-existing conditions such as inflammation of the eye. As a side effect of the disease itself, blindness is not commonly reported in people who have heterochromia.


Use all of this information to help you deal with heterochromia so that you can take care of yourself as best as possible. Remember, this condition is not life-threatening and poses very little to no risks at all. As long as you follow all of our tips, you will handle your heterochromia without breaking a sweat.

Keeping an Eye on the Health of Your Eyes: Glaucoma

Eye exams are much more than just getting a prescription for glasses. While being able to see with glasses is not a trivial thing, the most important reason for getting an eye exam is to check the health of your eyes. There are a few very common eye diseases that when left untreated can cause a loss of vision or even blindness. One of the more insidious of these diseases is glaucoma because there are no symptoms at all in the early to middle stages of the disease.

Glaucoma Eye Health

The eye is essentially a hollow ball full of fluid maintained at a certain pressure much like the tires on a car. If the pressure gets too high it can cause damage to the optic nerve. This damage to the optic nerve is what is known as glaucoma. If enough damage occurs vision loss will result. Treatment will be need. If it is not initiated soon enough then eventually blindness will occur. Unfortunately you cannot feel the damage or pressure from glaucoma. You also cannot see any changes in your vision until the disease reaches the advanced stages. By the time your vision begins to change most of the tissue of the optic nerve has already been lost. It’ll be much more difficult to treat.

The only way to detect glaucoma in the early stages is with an eye exam. The two primary ways of screening for glaucoma are by checking the pressure of the eyes. As well as inspecting the optic nerves for damage. As a general rule, pressures that are too high and optic nerves that show a lack or loss of tissue are the primary signs of glaucoma. Both of which usually can detected during a routine eye exam. If these risk factors are detected then further testing can be done. This can confirm if glaucoma exists and if so then it can be treated.

There are a few different treatment options for glaucoma. The most common and usually the first line of treatment is just eye drops. These drops do not cure glaucoma but they often can stop its progress by lowering the pressure in the eye. If glaucoma is not detected until the late stages, surgery is usually required. This is done to try to preserve what little of the tissue of the optic nerve remains, but the vision damage that has already occurred is irreparable. Glaucoma is a terrible disease and one of the most common causes of preventable blindness. Glaucoma is just one of many reasons to make sure you get an eye exam every year.

Any  eye concerns or questions, please contact Tucson Optometry Clinic at 520-885-2052. We are Tucson’s #1 Optometrist Clinic. Here you can expect one-on-one attention as a patient. This is what set us apart from all the rest!

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